How Movement Builds Momentum
Dancing my heart out
Photography Credit: Ines
Movement is the only way you have of affecting the world around you.
— Daniel Wolpert
In my last blog, I wrote about the MAGIC OF MOMENTUM and how momentum is huge for transforming outdated habits and life patterns.
One of the fastest ways of generating momentum is through movement. It shifts our perspective, opens up pathways in the brain, clears the filter, and generates energy.
Dance is my superpower. (What’s yours???)
Last week I was guided to a dance workshop.
Over and over in different ways, I would see or hear the invitation to this dance training. I kept running into the teacher around town, and each time I would have a little ping in my heart.
When spirit speaks - listen!
With curiosity and a desire to shake my booty, I went.
The moment I arrived, the music began, and we were told to close our eyes and attune to ourselves through movement. That was all I needed, permission to MOVE my body, how I felt called. My creative energy started to flow immediately.
My movements became intuitive, and the shapes my body made generated a feeling of space in my mind. Soon we were dancing around the room, connecting with others, and playing through the dance. It felt like cleaning out the filter of my mind. Soon my body began to move me, and my creativity poured forth.
This past year I have been deeply committed to creating a workable schedule. Like any good structure, it helped me to balance my health, spirituality, parenting, business, and a growing client base. And most importantly, it helped me attain some lifelong goals. Yet, recently, I began to feel stagnation in my creativity.
Create movement.
Dance, do yoga, walk, clean out a closet, change your physical location, and move out of your comfort zone. When we do these things, we see our life from a new perspective.
How will you create movement to shake up your status quo?
Patrick and I lead deep dive retreats for this exact reason. When people leave their routines, homes, and pattern of life, connect with new people, and move, they find new perspectives and embody new possibilities.
This year, we host a Colorado Dude Ranch and Hotsprings Retreat for our beloved community! We will be in communion with nature, healing with horses, soaking in hot springs, moving, and connecting with ourselves and others. If you are ready to awaken new parts of yourself, and cultivate momentum in an area of your life, join us on this journey July 21-24th.
Book a call with Patrick or me to discuss the possibility.
What do you have to lose?
Movement Practice:
Use this playlist to create space, a moment in your body just for you.
Song 1:
Slow down, focus on the sensation of your breath, and attune to You.
Song 2:
Move toward standing and connect with your heart.
Song 3:
Shake out what does not serve you, and build your internal fire!
Song 4:
Connect with your desires.
Song 6:
Move back to the floor, stretching, opening, breathing, and integrating.
Song 7:
SHAVASANA lay on your back and breath into the space you created.