Non-dairy Ice Cream is not regular Ice Cream!

Photography Credit: Josephina Kolpachnikof

“You must have a room, or a certain hour or so a day, where you don't know what was in the newspapers that morning a place where you can simply experience and bring forth what you are and what you might be.”

-Joseph Campbell

We LOVE to be with you in person! AND there are some incredible aspects to practicing in your home that are awesome too! I like to think of it similar to when I started eating non-dairy ice cream. Regular ice cream is soooo amazing IMO, and each time I tried a non dairy version I would be comparing it to the “real” thing. Once I shifted my mindset and let the dairy version be just that, it’s own thing, and the non-dairy version to be its own thing, BOOM! I started to love the non-dairy types, the nuance, the different flavors with the different brands, it was awesome! 

So, maybe you are like me and you love in-person sessions most of the time, that’s great! You don’t have to give those up, AND you can also get an entirely new experience with some incredible upside in practicing from your home space. 

Here are 5 reasons why I love practicing with you at home.

  1. Transform your home into Sacred Space

    It is easy to live in your home without really appreciating it. Cameron and I have a mindset that is continually looking for improvements. A different color throw pillow, or accent color wall for Cameron. For me, it looks like opening up the living room by remodeling the entryway.

    However, the practice invites my focus inward when I roll out the mat in my home. My breath and the pace of my thoughts slow down. Everything becomes softer at the edges. Through bringing the practice into the place you live, the possibility of bringing sacredness and ritual to that same space occurs.

    Through unrolling your mat, changing clothes to something comfy, and preparing to receive the benefits of the practices, our everyday spaces transform into our sanctuaries.

    Your Place of Practice IS Sacred.

  2. Save time for Sunday Fun Day.

    Let’s get real. We have all been stressed out trying to get to a yoga class on time. I can’t tell you the number of times I found myself yelling at traffic lights to “Turn Green Already!” So I could get to my happy place at the studio.

    You also save significant time because you don’t have to worry about finding several hours in your day (or longer if you want to attend multiple sessions per week) to go to and from the studio.

    Imagine no more rushing on Sunday morning. Instead, the ease of finding your favorite place within your home to set up your mat, grab a cool beverage of your choice from your fridge and communicate to anyone that needs to know that you are unavailable for the next 75 minutes.

    Then once the class is complete, you roll up your mat, hop right into your shower, and get on with your Sunday.


  3.  Do yoga like no one is watching.

    One of the greatest freedoms is doing it how you want to! So, if you find yourself in a super juicy feeling pose, stay in it a little longer. You have the freedom without thinking you have to keep up with other students around you. Take your time, modify like no one is watching, and love yourself however that looks; you are at home, remember!?

    Over time you will start to notice how much of your practice is the way it is simply because you are used to practicing with other people. The ego is sneaky! That part of yourself that likes to compare or try to keep up often creates distraction and stress as part of the time on your mat.

    Say goodbye to that smaller version of yourself in our Sunday sanctuary.

  4. Invite your friends and family. And watch your relationship grow.

    You know the myriad benefits of yoga, and it is natural to want to share it. In addition, inviting your friends to an affordable and accessible yoga practice is a terrific way to connect with people you love.

    BONUS: You can discuss the class theme over tea and a phone call after. This is a deeper and more integrated way to connect to those you care about. Also, over the years, I have seen the families and friends that practice together have a deeper bond, something that you cannot explain that nonetheless makes a positive difference in their relationships.

    Reach out to someone you love and invite them to join you this Sunday.

    Sign up HERE for Sunday Class

  5.  You deserve this deeply restorative, rewarding experience.

Savasana is our resting pose at the end of each session. This is when the “rubber meets the road.” it is your chance to integrate and absorb all the benefits of your physical yoga practice. Unfortunately, in most in-person classes, Savasana is only held for a minute or two before the class is truly over, and everyone packs up to go home.

However, a longer Savasana is necessary if you want a deeply restorative and physically rewarding yoga practice. Ideally, when there is time and a willingness, one would maintain this final posture for half the time you spent doing the physical poses. 

When you attend my Sunday class, the Savasana will last 10 min. Let me assure you a more extended Savasana is a game-changer!

Your nervous system gets a chance to let go and release deeply. The stress and holding on of modern life start to melt away.

You. Deserve. It.


Taming a Storm of Resentment.


The Changing of a Season, My Father’s Transition.