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Personal growth and love!

Image curtisy of North Star Church

“Change your thinking, change your life.”

— Ernest Holmes

Here is a short story of an incredible woman lawyer and her inspiring retreat experience with us at LLOYD (Live the Life of Your Dreams) . Lynne a total badass, who has worked for the UN most of her professional career, came to one of our early LLOYD retreats in 2018 and then again in 2022.

I’ll never forget how we all first met her. As it was, her plane came in later than the other participants, and we were all up at one of the big open-air yoga shalas. We were just stretching, talking, and getting to know each other. Then, in walks this blond woman with high heels, a glass of Chardonnay, and a huge smile! At that moment, we knew Lynne would be a massive contribution to our group dynamic and that she would have a powerful week of personal growth!

We had a fantastic time, with laughter, tears, breakdowns, and breakthroughs. Learning about Lynne’s world of high performance and high stakes with the upper levels of the UN was fascinating. Watching a person like her, who has the personality, skills, and intelligence to support world leaders and be inspired and challenged through the processes and intentional community over our seven days together, was humbling.

Lynne writes: “Coming from a job with the UN of high-intensity world leadership, she was reticent about sharing circles and meditation. But after a week of guided meditation in a safe space, I witnessed an internal shift so powerful that the experience made me question my self-imposed limitations - I began learning how meditation, as a tool, could empower me to MAN-ifest (lol) my truest desires.”

For Lynne, her first LLOYD retreat would be defined by a deep desire to create a partnership with a man who would meet her as a partner, lover, and friend. To watch her declare a clear desire to become a person that would attract a life partner was terrific. She dove into the work that we offered her. The community witnessed her courage and vulnerability as she navigated past stories of who she had been with the new vision of who she would become. 

Lynne’s story represents the microcosm of the people joining us for the LLOYD retreat. She wanted to find a love relationship unlike any other. She did not just want to repeat the same relationship story with a different person. 

Throughout our LLOYD retreats, everything we do, from planned sessions to yoga, meditation, and free time, is designed and sequenced to create personal transformation.

Lynne realized the change was less about who she met and more about who she would become. So with all her heart and desire, she set about falling in love with herself. Her practiced self-image started to melt away during our week in paradise. She met herself; lovable, available, and ready for partnership!

The story of how she and Mark met, fell for each other, and got married is awe-inspiring. AND more than anything, because of her work with LLOYD, the process was stress relieving vs. stress-inducing. A simple polarity created through her clarity and self-love brought them together. 

What we find with LLOYD’ers is that this type of result is predictable. When you mix the elements of nature, community, and personal intent, magic can happen. Hopes and dreams are birthed, and those years or decades old become possible. 

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