Weaving the New World Portal

In the chalice of my being, I hold the light of stars,
My form beckons curiosity.
Yet, peer beneath the lid and find my mystery,
The universe of us.

I peer out through the fog,
Eyes blurred and fading.
Opening to a new vision,
We need not sight.

In the conversational dance,
It’s our time to speak.
We sing our song,
Honey-dipped high notes.

Weaving the fabric of creation
Through whispers and soft steps.
Woman’s hands gently modeling the world,
Crafting as we rock side to side.

Time to listen,
To witness,
To honor,
To be and become.

There is no straight path.
Follow if you like,
Honor my tracks and be
Nourished by the nectar of presence.

The Pulse of Life

In the rhythm of existence, we recognize that some ways of being must fade to allow new, more vibrant ones to emerge. This is the essence of spanda—expansion, contraction, and expansion again, from the solar system’s vastness to a newborn’s heartbeat. Life and death dance in a perpetual cycle.

We are often conditioned to cling tightly, driven by fear. Yet, when we open our hands and let the dust of the past blow away, we are left with open palms, ready to receive anew.

Our world and psyches are shifting—the era of men and round tables leading the way is crumbling. Now, the feminine essence in all of us guides our collective expansion. This path is different; it is discerning, soft, slow, and subtle. The work begins within the inner realms of the body.

As I gaze into the eyes of my sisters, I recognize an awakening—one I deeply understand. We remember gathering in our kitchens and living rooms, reigniting the ancient wisdom.

 “What’s the greatest lesson a woman should learn? That since day one, she’s already had everything she needs within herself. It’s the world that convinced her she did not.”
— Alisa Vitti. 

One of the questions I ponder is how we can support men through this transformation. Men's work is crucial, and I am proud that my husband leads weekly men's groups and retreats in our town. It is amazing to see the subtle yet profound shifts as men support men in this transformation.

As women weave this new reality, men will face a choice: to listen, learn and honor the power of feminine integration or to resist and hold on to the old masculine dominate perspectives. Those who resist are not just opposing the feminine but the universal flow and integration in leadership of the feminine and masculine poles. 

However, those who pause to listen and feel will begin to recognize the immense power within the feminine. This power need not be feared, for it embodies the Universal Mother—she asks only to be honored.

"The world will be saved by the Western woman."
- Dali Lama

Together, we can navigate this shift, embracing the wisdom of the feminine and the strenght of the masculine, crafting a more balanced and harmonious future.


Balance in a pleasure first world.


Awakening YOUR Feminine Voice: The Tale of the Dark Fairy and Sleeping Beauty