Transformational Leadership

Patrick Harrington

Visionary Thought Leader, Entrepreneur, and Men’s Coach

The heart-centered person recognizes their sacred role in creating change. They are ready to accept that right now is the most crucial time of their lives.

Personally and professionally, they know their choices today will create downstream outcomes for many years.

The motivated people I work with understand that they are ready for clarity and more impact. Many have fought alone on the battlefield of their hearts and minds.

Today, they’re wiser.

They glimpse a version of themselves that has let go of people-pleasing and habits that no longer serve them. They can see that there is a way to have meaningful work lives with less stress and more deep satisfaction.

Together, we craft an inspiring future. One that is attainable and leverages hearts and minds into an experience of the Self and Purpose Aligned.

Schedule time with me to create clarity, become empowered to take bold and inspiring action, and live into the dream of who you are.

Patrick is a Certified Team and Leadership Coach

Founder & CEO of the 2nd largest independent Yoga Studio Chain in the States, Kindness Yoga


Somatic Coaching