A Practice for Your Higher Self.
Photography Credit: Greg Rosenke
“Think of life like a school your soul is enrolled in. You are given the privilege of receiving a curriculum, and once you learn it and pass your exams, you are assigned a new, more advanced curriculum. “
-Azrya and Benjamin Bequer
Autumn is a reminder to go inside and focus.
There exists a natural schedule, the hours of the day, the seasons of the year, that ultimately lie in harmony with the greater system of the Universe that I can only really perceive as whispers of intuition. I am learning to dance gracefully within these overarching, natural rhythms through practice and ritual.
This September, I am looking internally, taking stock of the summer, and entering another season of learning.
During this season, my brain craves the stimulation of learning something new, and my mind is ripe for inner work.
My primary personal and professional practice is cultivating a deeper connection and presence with my day-to-day life while simultaneously fulfilling my fullest potential. We refer to this practice as the Harrington Method.
Patrick and I chose our last name to represent our method of coaching as a way to ground ourselves in the wisdom and ownership of our collective years of education, transformation, and experience. We are living examples of the method, and it is always a work in progress - working ON us and FOR us as we continually refine it.
What are you choosing to focus on as the season starts to change?
This question is like the ringing of the school bell signaling the start of a new year. These days my classroom is wherever I am - at home, picking up the kids, in the grocery store, driving.
When entering a coaching relationship during this time of year, you will be led to inquire and explore your answers from the higher self. The higher self, YOU, is on purpose, engaged, and enrolled in the curriculum of life.
(Note: I use the all caps version of YOU when referring to the highest version of ourselves.)
My rituals and practices come from the all-caps version of MYSELF. The all-caps YOU is the part of yourself who can create wisdom from your triggers, growth from your challenges, and ultimately celebrate your victories.
In my work as a Harrington Method coach, I lean into my training in Somatic Soul work, which has assisted me in creating a consistent morning and evening routine. I notice that as the world is experiencing a high level of uncertainty, it is more important than ever to ground myself with this type of practice.
These morning and evening routines are part of the Harrington Method. It is a path for the courageous and willing. Those who choose this path will be gifted with inspired experiences and be guided by the truest parts of themselves. There will be challenges and rewards, and you will become a vessel for soulful living.
Are you ready?
Here is an embodiment practice for you to experiment with for the next 30 days. When you take this on, you will be amazed at how much wisdom and clarity you will create.
How to access the all-caps YOU through the your body.
There are times when connecting with your
higher self feels downright impossible.
However, through the experience of embodiment, you have access to the body’s communication. Within your body exists wisdom to be unlocked, and when you listen to its guidance, you are being led by the all-caps YOU.
Pause a moment,
get still and quiet.
Take a few deep, clearing breaths.
Feel your skin as it touches the air.
Imagine the cells of your skin drinking the oxygen.
Notice the subtle sensations in your body.
Take note of each of them.
Use this exercise to notice how your body responds to the thoughts
and the circumstances in your daily life.
Listen to the communication of your body and allow it to guide you.
Let us know what you discover! We are here with you.
Cameron Harrington, is an Embodiment and Somatic Soul Coach for Awakening Women. If you are ready to step more fully into an elevated life, I would love to speak with you about what is possible by working with me. Click here for more information and a Free Discovery Coaching Call.
Cameron and her husband Patrick work with couples to create more profound, inspired partnerships. Click here for more information.