Each of us is a Culture of One
Photography Credit: Dorrell Tibbs
“A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and the soul of its people”
-Mahatma Gandhi
We humans have our ways of doing things, how we see the world, and our norms and rules about life and how we operate. Similar to the broader cultures that exist in households, schools, or countries of origin. We the people are what makes up the bigger culture. Together we grow over time, influencing each other back and forth, the individual to collective culture and collective culture to the individual.
In today’s blog, I will outline how I wrestle with one of my cultural features, which I call the Saboteur. As you read, reflect on where in the culture of you that you get in the way of your best interests and growth. Enjoy!
Here’s how it happens for me:
I start a conversation in my head, and it goes something like this:
“Why are you scrolling your email/Instagram/FB? You know you have more important things to do. Are you going to ignore your better judgment? This moment feels familiar (and not great). You could change directions right now. You could make a better choice.”
In my mind, I visualize the play-by-play of the naughty behavior sabotaging my potential.
Have you ever done that?
There is no better time than NOW to start taking action on the things that truly matter to you.
Do you agree that the positive changes you want to see have to start with changes in yourself first?
I know for me and also for my whole family it is time to live up to my potential. And the changes I want to see in the world will start with me - now.
A BIG part of making my shifts happen is through actively and regularly acknowledging where I self-sabotage.
For most of my life, I have been a “Just-in-the-nick-of-time!” type of guy. This behavior choice is consistent and operates subconsciously. So much so that I don’t feel like I am doing it on purpose.
However, I created my life where I am always so busy that I can barely keep up with my most important responsibilities.
Can you relate?
Through reflections with my coach and mentor, I realize that I have been sabotaging myself this way for as long as I can remember.
I have created my life rhythm in a way that depends on always hitting green lights. And, I have always been busy enough to have excuses for ignoring the yellow lights warning me to slow down and be present. I was unaware that my consistent waiting until the last second was just a subconscious ploy to keep a particular version of myself relevant.
That version of myself procrastinates on my most essential tasks, things like:
Start my day with ritual and routine
Focus on the holistic, high priority, high return on investment activities first
Making and taking action on the big decisions
These essential tasks above contribute positively to my culture of one. Doing these tasks not only shifts my world but also positively contributes to the greater culture of the people and systems surrounding me.
I am the place to start making the needed, overarching cultural shifts in the world. I have the ability to choose to create how my culture of one shows up.
YOU also have the ability to choose who you will become.
BE committed to developing yourself so you can invest your remaining time in your BIG DREAMS.
Individually, we contribute to the collective growth or push energy towards creating chaos.
Everyone sabotages themselves. Everyone. Self-sabotage is the expression of our ego as a brake on our expansion.
Your EGOIC self exists to limit your EXPANSIVE SELF.
Read that again.
Paying attention these days, you will likely notice so-called trouble spots and near emergencies. People everywhere are searching for real change and lasting relief.
You, me, and everyone at any moment can make choices that advance our human movement in a better direction.
YOU and I are sources for meaningful individual and collective change!
How do you get started? Here are three questions that you can ask yourself to initiate internal change. Ask yourself each question, then TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION from your answers.
These actions are movements towards YOUR BEST INTERESTS.
What is one Self-sabotaging habit that you can subtract from life for the next seven days?
Identify one new ritual to add to your routine that occurs as self-care, doable, and you are willing to commit to it for the next seven days.
Where in your life do you procrastinate the most? In relationships, with work, or personal goals? Identify that area, and today, take one small action to move forward in this area
These actions are a starting point for monumental shifts. If practiced regularly, in no time, they will lead to significant betterment in your life.
Let us know how you do with this exercise!
Cameron and I are here with you.