Be The Change You Want To See

“Be the change you want to see in the world.” - Gandhi This photo is from our kids’ jungle school.

They are teaching these lessons early, giving us hope for the future! Cameron and I just completed leading our 5th “LLOYD” retreat here in Costa Rica. For 5 of the last 6 years, we have supported people in creating massive change in their lives through a process known as LLOYD-ing; Live the Life Of Your Dreams. It is an audacious, week-long process that supports an individual in looking deeply into themselves and answering the question, “Am I willing to let the patterns, addictions, and sabotajing parts of me die?” It’s a question that is more relevant than ever for each of us and how we do life as a country.

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”

How do we do this?

“Being the change”, happens one person at a time, each one choosing to make the very best of each moment. Link enough of these moments together, and you holistically create a life full of meaning and service.

I have seen it.

I feel it myself, in my family, and in our community. Since the beginning of the pandemic, Cameron and I have asked ourselves, “What parts of us are ready to die so that we can truly live?”. I encourage you to die a little bit every day. Die a little bit from the parts of yourself that you are ready to let go of. Be bold, my friends the world is ready for you to bring your highest offerings and your most courageous self to this game every blessed day.

We all desire essentially the same things, love, compassion, and acceptance. Each of us can choose to be the source of these offerings. Offer them in your home and workplace, to people on the street, and most importantly, offer them to yourself. 

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”

Now is our time.


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