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Cultivation: The Mind and The Vine

Veritas Vineyard, Afton, VA; Winemaker, Emily Hudson – One of Patrick’s and my favorite!

"Transformation always involves the falling away of things we have relied on, and we are left with a feeling that the world as we know it is coming to an end, because it is."

- Mark Nepo, The Book of Awakening

After a delightful month in Colorado, I am back in sweet home Virginia. One of my favorite summertime pleasures here is touring vineyards; every vineyard has a rich and unique history. Every experience is enriched by conversations with the winemakers while taking in a bluegrass band, gazing upon the river, or laughing around a fire pit at sunset. Each sip is a delicious bouquet of history, ever-present in the soil and vines.

History intertwines with the artistry of grape cultivation. Vignerons, the individuals responsible for cultivating the vineyard, are meticulous in caring for their vineyard. Many believe moderate stressing of vines makes tastier grapes. Vines take longer to bear fruit under these conditions, but the grapes are of higher quality and produce better wine. Training and heavy pruning are critical for vine balance, allowing the vines to thrive for many years. They train the vines to control the path of each branch, leading to healthy plants. They prune the vines to remove weak or unnecessary branches, creating space for growth in desired areas.

Cultivating grape vines is similar to cultivating one’s mind. When we trim the extraneous and unproductive parts, we have more energy to focus on growing and nurturing what our soul yearns for. And when we train our minds to follow our path with clarity and purpose, we flourish.

Plucking a fully ripened grape straight off the vine brings great delight and satisfaction. The beauty of the grape is revealed with one bite. The sweet flesh hidden under a bitter tannic skin is an explosion of flavor. You can taste the years of love and energy that went into bringing that grape to full maturity.

The artisanship does not end upon the ripening of the fruit. The grapes are harvested and smashed under intense pressure. The juice is poured into a dark barrel where it ferments for years. Only after this long and brutal process of unbecoming itself does the virgin grape transform into its full expression. The metamorphosis of a grape into wine is not a pleasant journey; through destruction, it is reborn: transformed, renewed, revitalized.

Have you ever felt like a wine grape?

We have!

Through the toughest and downright ugliest times in our life, we learned to come back to the belief that “life is happening FOR US, not against us.” We trust that any challenges thrown our way are ones we can handle, no matter how impossible they seem.

Over many years, Patrick and I have cultivated our offering. The Kindness Yoga studios were part of that process of development. That manifestation was incredible on its own. It was a home for many students and teachers to find their community, blossom, and hear ideas that resonated in their hearts. I believe I speak for the Collective when I say that we have all endured intense pressure and underwent a fermentation process! Collectively we have lived in darkness for some time now. During that precious time, we have listened, refined our wisdom, distilled our experience, and cultivated our hearts and our spirit for what is next.

We were once grapes and are now pouring the wine!

I offer you a taste of the fruits of our labor: the Harrington Method. This one-of-a-kind varietal is an exquisite marriage of modalities, including Dharma Yoga, Transformational Retreats, and Evolutionary Coaching for individuals and couples.

What is the Harrington Method?

The Harrington Method is based on awareness of your body’s wisdom within each moment. Through this practice, we support you in remembering and reconnecting who you are. Together we will move past the busy mind and into the heart. This method will help you to awaken to who you have always been. The stories you tell yourself and the unwanted patterns that hold you back will become whispers, no longer controlling your life.

You have been called here for a reason, and we are ready to meet you where you are in your journey.

Cameron and Patrick help clients create powerful breakthroughs and embody their authentic selves
with their combined 40 years of experience in business, wellness, and personal development.

Discover how we can support you with a FREE 30-minute mini-coaching session.

Sample How the Harrington Method Feels:

Take a moment to turn away from your screen.
Close your eyes, and breathe in a way that you feel your physical body expanding on the inhale and softening on the exhale.

Bring your awareness to the center of your chest.

Imagine the energy at the center of your chest expanding and wrapping you in love, wisdom, and acceptance.

Recall a time when you felt deeply seen.
Bring the physical feeling of this moment into your body and focus on the most subtle shifts.

Take this sensation and place it deep in the pockets of your cells.
This true part of you will always be here for you when you forget.

Feel the trust for yourself expand through your body.
Notice how your body reacts; maybe your shoulder softens or your spine lifts.

As you open your eyes, stay aware of who you are at the core.
Whenever you need to come back to this sensation.