Expression: The Second Act

Photo credit Annie Spratt

“You do not just wake up and become the butterfly. Growth is a process.”

- Rupi Kaur

Your Second Act: your best expression yet!

Patrick and I live in a charming little beach town in Costa Rica. The only catch is you must drive over a primitive, bumpy road covered with pot holes that look like miniature Grand Canyons to get there! Your reward, at the end of this rough and rugged road is an incredible little town, a beautiful beach, and a fantastic community.

This amazing place is populated by both locals and ex-pats like ourselves. Together we are navigating what it takes to create a conscious, equitable, and welcoming community.

Like where we live, there are seasons when the roads and our lives can get seriously bumpy and hard to navigate! You may even want to give up. But from our experience, if you stay committed to your higher path, you will find a new expression of life and resilience on the other side of the challenge.

We attract our life circumstance ulitimately as requests for us to redefine who we are. Like each savasana we practice, we die a little ego death and potentially emerge as a new version of ourselves.

The savasana practice is one of the central reasons Patrick and I practice yoga, to ground the body in movement and breath so that we might surrender what is no longer serving us.

Like us, you have probably had to let parts of your story—of your very consciousness—die away during this pandemic season. Our “pandemic death” represented a monumental shift in our personal and professional identities. The primary catalyst was the closing of our business: a group of donation-based yoga studios we built and grew over the past 20 years.

The passing of Kindness Yoga was a loss for us as well as for the thousands of practitioners and teachers who found solace within those studio walls.

When these feelings of loss washed over us, we leaned into the very practices that built our community. We surrendered. We trusted in something greater. We persisted through our pain and our grief with more grace, humility, and perspective.

The caterpillar goes through metamorphosis and emerges as a magnificent butterfly. We observed from the natural world that death is one stage of emergence.

We know that personal and communal evolution is fundamental to a successful life. Our experience of “little deaths” has guided the growth of our family.

For two decades, our focus was on moving the masses. Our current focus is proividing an experience that is more personal, more intimate, and we believe, more potent than ever.

Patrick and I work with individuals and couples that are ready to step into their next version of life. Something we refer to as the “Second Act”.

From here onward, from wherever you stand right now, with all that has changed in the past few years, who will you be?

It is always the perfect time to take what you have learned and experienced up to now and begin again. You can start the Second Act of your life, with renewed focus, passion, and support!

We are a unique balance of masculine and feminine essences. We work with men, women, and couples ready to emerge at their highest potential through Embodiment Coaching with Cameron and Transformational Leadership Coaching with Patrick.

Right now in our global community we need purposeful and conscious souls to bring their whole selves into every aspect of their lives and relationships.

Now is our time to make a difference.

Looking back, despite the heartbreak and grief over the last few years, I am grateful for our journey down this rough and bumpy road. Through our experience, we have grown to be better listeners of our heads, our hearts, and our very spirits.

As yoga practitioners we all look forward to a deep savasana.

When a day feels intense or overwhelming, try the 10-minute savasana practice below. By letting the first part of the day die, you invite yourself to begin again.

Savasana Practice

Roll your mat out onto the floor,
Set a timer for 10 minutes.

Lay down on your back with your feet as wide as your mat.
Placing a pillow under your knees for support as desired.

Tuck your shoulder blades under and
open your palms toward the ceiling.

Practice letting go of any areas of mental or physical contraction.

Close your eyes and breath full and slow.
Let what you are holding soften and release on each exhale.

Focus on the breath and drift into a softer state of mind.
If you dose off, allow it to happen.

When the timer goes off take a big breath, roll on to your side, and pause.

Slowly sit up as a new version of yourself.

Create a blessing for the rest of your day.

Stand and begin again.


The Expansion and Contraction of Independence


Like He-Man said, "You have the power!"