How to heal your Sight and Crystalize your Vision

Photo Credit: Kelly Sikkema

“The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision."

-Helen Keller

Our ability to see is one of the most outward facing and most used of our five senses. Our sight is connected on a spiritual perspective as a portal to our inner awareness and power. 

Recently, I did an eye ritual to support my physical sight and, what’s more, my greater vision, clarity, and intuition.

Since this experience, the colors appear richer, my eyes feel more awake, and my mind seems more clear. I am fascinated by the connection between our physical sight and our spiritual vision. And after this experience, I am more aware of how I nourish or dull my sight and, thus, my vision. I believe there is a deep connection between how we treat our spiritual vision and how that might affect our eyesight. So, I wanted to share three areas that have made the biggest difference when seeking clarity of one’s spiritual vision in my world and the women I coach. 

1 .Create a clear vision first thing in the day.

When we wake in the morning, we are the clearest, our eyes are rested, and they are virginal and sensitive. We are, in a sense, “brand new,” and we can then create from a blank slate of possibility. 

How do you start your day?

Do you start your day generating the energy and alignment that you want? Or do you reach for your phone and allow others to create that for you? 

The most important thing you can do for yourself and, thus, the world around you is to start your day aligning with a powerful vision of who you are.

Patrick and I strongly encourage regular meditation practice. However, the aim is to do something that lifts your spirits and reminds you of Who You Want To Be first thing in the morning.

2. Activate what you want to see through your words.

Don Miguel Ruiz says that our words are spells. We can use them to create what we want or don’t want. These words are not just the ones spoken out loud but also our internal language. For example, what we quietly say to ourselves when we look in the mirror affects the cells of our brain and body. How we speak about the world is how the world will show up for us. To hold a powerful vision, we must paint that picture with our words.

Our words create our world.

3. Feed your eyes nourishment.

Our eyes are a portal to our souls. We feed our souls with the media we watch and even the books we read. “Game of Thrones” was an epic series, and while I could not stop watching, it was a guilty pleasure. I am clear that what we watch feeds our brain, our hormones, and thus our emotional state. The enormous amount of violence in some, - (let's get real, most-media) outweighs the art, beautiful, and I dare say, the value of watching them in the first place.

Mind movies are a manifestation tool that is like a moving vision board. As you watch these short videos, the images help you create the emotion of having already lived your desires. And you start to manifest what you have been watching. We are doing the same thing with media that is filled with violence and destruction! 

How are you choosing to feed your mind through the portal of your eyes?

If you keep a clear vision for your future, it will pull you like a magnet through your toughest times.

-Tony Robbins

The Eye Ritual: Trataka

Trataka is a Yogic practice that supports the vision. Hatha Yoga Pradipika shares, “Trataka eradicates all eye diseases, fatigue, and sloth, and closes the doorway creating these problems.” Trataka is also known to help concentration and support memory. In addition, it is said to support clairvoyance. 

How to:

Find a comfortable seat for Meditation.

Light a candle.

Set the candle two feet in front of you and at eye level.

Start with your eyes closed and focus on your breath.

When you open your eyes, let your gaze rest on the lowest part of the flame that is right above the wick.

Relax and hold your gaze at this spot and try not to blink.

Focus on your breath.

Relax deeper into the focused gaze.

When your eyes start to feel strained and tear-up, close them and focus on your third eye, in the middle of your forehead.

The meditation is over when your eyes water.

With practice your eyes and sight will get stronger as well as your focus!


The Currency of Intimacy


Meaningful Rituals for a New Beginning