Stumbling, Bumbling, and Messy

“Amidst the normal hard stuff is the abnormal hard stuff.
You may be doing great, but no one great always had it great.
At the end of each day, as you prepare for the next,
I hope you take an inventory of your life,
your thoughts and where you’re headed.
The wind can take you some cool places,
but so can your paddle.”

— Richie Norton

In the past couple of years, Cameron and I have been letting go of who we have been. All while choosing to take the stumbling, bumbling, messy, and glorious path toward “who we are becoming.”

Over the last 13-ish years, we have served each other in this, our most intimate relationship as witnesses, cheerleaders, initiators, inspirations, and of course, at times, our biggest triggers for each other’s growth. My love for Cameron and our extended circles is awe-inspiring to behold and feel.

Since we met and declared that we were both seeking a Spiritual Love Partnership, Cameron and I have practiced using our most challenging experiences to encourage our growth as a family and as individuals.

Like many families, these past couple of years has represented the somewhat un-practiced opportunity to spend a lot of time with each other!

My guess is a lot of you are like us.

It has not always been pretty and has held some of our most cherished memories.

For Cameron and I, it has been a game-changer for our development as people and as a family. As a result, we are closer than we have ever been.

All while practicing saying what needs to be said and hearing it too.

In our experience, as humans, we get to go through some challenging-ass circumstances. It is by design that life itself IS hard, while at the same time, life IS littered with breathtakingly beautiful moments that somehow make it all worth it.

We know many people for whom these past few years created a massive opportunity for a LIFE RESET. Meaning in all ways, up, down, left, and right. And whether they took the chance and dove in or resisted it the entire way, their world has permanently changed.

If you read that last part and said, “Yep, I know that is right.”, or similar, you know what I am talking about!

For family Harrington, we have lived a great RESET in almost every part of our lives since March 13th, 2020. It has humbled and steeled us, inspired and motivated us, and because of it, we are birthing something completely us.

Our Method, the Harrington Method.

The Method represents our most recent edges of learning and personal growth. Cameron and I are refining and deepening the method daily. We share this blueprint with our children and our first-circle people.

We are a work in progress.

And we are on your side.

Looking forward,

Patrick, and Cameron Harrington.

PS. Also, we would be remiss if we did not mention the three other most significant contributors to the Harrington Method, our daughters, and our dog. Thank you, Abriella, Dabney Rose, and Pumpkin (our dog)


Cultivating Trust


R.I.P. Kindness Yoga and Your Life is Happening For You!