Evolving our mind, body and spirit is available everyday if we chose to look for it. These blogs are a taste of the Harrington Method. Enjoy the pondering.

Cameron Harrington Cameron Harrington

The Currency of Intimacy

Patrick and I chose each other as partners in life. We both had relationships before where the purpose was for the most part, undefined. When we found one another, we both wanted a relationship distinct from how things had been in the past. Together we agreed we would create a Spiritual Relationship.

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Cameron Harrington Cameron Harrington

How to heal your Sight and Crystalize your Vision

Our ability to see is one of the most outward facing and most used of our five senses. Our sight is connected on a spiritual perspective as a portal to our inner awareness and power. 

Recently, I did an eye ritual to support my physical sight and, what’s more, my greater vision, clarity, and intuition.

Since this experience, the colors appear richer, my eyes feel more awake, and my mind seems more clear.

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Cameron Harrington Cameron Harrington

Meaningful Rituals for a New Beginning

The process of setting resolutions helps us to identify what is not working and create greater alignment in the direction of our dreams, passions, and new possibilities.

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Patrick Harrington Patrick Harrington

Personal growth and love!

For Lynne, her first LLOYD retreat would be defined by a deep desire to create a partnership with a man who would meet her as a partner, lover, and friend. To watch her declare a clear desire to become a person that would attract a life partner was terrific. She dove into the work that we offered her. The community witnessed her courage and vulnerability as she navigated past stories of who she had been with the new vision of who she would become.

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Cameron Harrington Cameron Harrington

Taming a Storm of Resentment.

Bam, his words set me off. Energy rolled through me and into our cultivated space, turning our afternoon dark and bleak. My inner dialog raged like 90-mile-per-hour winds pulling me off center. Resentment flooded the room and felt like a hail storm throughout my body.

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Patrick Harrington Patrick Harrington

Non-dairy Ice Cream is not regular Ice Cream!

We LOVE to be with you in person! AND there are some incredible aspects to practicing in your home that are awesome too! I like to think of it like when I started eating non-dairy ice cream.

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Cameron Harrington Cameron Harrington

The Changing of a Season, My Father’s Transition.

Releasing our bodies is part of the extraordinary experience of life.

Like in birth, we cross over from one realm to another. As we leave this body, we let go of the separation that being embodied grants us.

We connect again with the vast everything.

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Patrick Harrington Patrick Harrington

24 Hours to Live

What would you do if you only had a day left on the planet? It’s a worthwhile question to meditate, journal, and reflect upon.

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Cameron Harrington Cameron Harrington

Returning to Source

The sun was setting as we walked out on the black-sand beach. Through the sunset mist, we watched a mama turtle pull her way from the ocean onto the sand. Each of her labored movements was filled with the single purpose of cultivating her species. At this raw moment, she became a living legacy.

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Patrick Harrington Patrick Harrington

How cultivate your inner guidance.

Your body never leaves you. Your body has always been with you across every moment of your life. Because your body is always with you, it is your most accessible source of wisdom and experience.

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Patrick Harrington Patrick Harrington

Each of us is a Culture of One

Everyone sabotages themselves. Everyone. Self-sabotage is the expression of our ego as a brake on our expansion.

Your EGOIC self exists to limit your EXPANSIVE SELF.  

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Blog Cameron Harrington Blog Cameron Harrington

Cultivating Trust

The feeling of trust frees our spirits and opens our minds to new possibilities. Cultivating trust is a practice just like any other. As we cultivate trust, we grow deeper relationships, feel empowered, and empower others. Developing a deep sense of trust is one of the most transformational practices for living an elevated life.

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Blog Patrick Harrington Blog Patrick Harrington

Stumbling, Bumbling, and Messy

For family Harrington, we have lived a RESET in almost every part of our lives since March 13th, 2020. It has humbled and steeled us, inspired and motivated us, and because of it, we are birthing something completely us: Our Method, the Harrington Method

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Patrick Harrington Patrick Harrington

R.I.P. Kindness Yoga and Your Life is Happening For You!

We have given birth to something new! We are so excited to formally introduce you to the Harrington Method! A baby chick leaves behind the shell which has nurtured and protected it so that it may continue growing and reach its full potential. Similarly, Cameron and I must leave behind the Kindness Collective so that we may continue being in service to others and become who we are meant to be. We love people, and we want them to thrive!

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Blog Cameron Harrington Blog Cameron Harrington

Cultivation: The Mind and The Vine

Cultivating grape vines is similar to cultivating one’s mind. When we trim the extraneous and unproductive parts, we have more energy to focus on growing and nurturing what our soul yearns for. And when we train our minds to follow our path with clarity and purpose, we flourish.

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Blog Patrick Harrington Blog Patrick Harrington

Giving Birth To Ourselves

Late last night, in the half-awakeness that followed all the hugs to grandparents and the packing and weighing of suitcases, Cameron asked a question I loved. “The other night, I heard you say that you were fully committing to me for the first time in your life.” she asked, “What did you mean by that?”

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Blog Cameron Harrington Blog Cameron Harrington

The Name Game And Our Independence of Expression

Recently, “names” has been the topic of conversation in our home: the meaning of a name, the vibration of the words, and how the words themselves tell a story. Patrick and I were brainstorming names for the new expression of our passion within the business world, and what I thought would be a simple conversation led me to self-reflect on identity and independence.
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